
Thursday, July 19, 2012

I sit ( Monday, February 28, 2011 at 6:22pm)

I sit wondering
when the day will come
when things will change
when and how
things will occur

I sit and imagine
how things could happen
where i will be going
when and with who
things will occur

I sit just thinking
about change
about life
about me
about love
about guys
about friends
about losing those closest to you
but things will occur

It occured to me
that you rarely
love those who love you
care for those who cared for you
challenged those who challenged you
lets change that
so maybe i do just sit and wonder
I wonder about everything
I even wonder why i wonder so much

by Val Cohen on Friday, March 4, 2011 at 7:51pm

Ive created a kind of environment
where everyone;
those who i care about
those who dislike my personality,
just look at me
& i feel like they wonder
Wonder what im thinking
wonder why im acting the way i am
but i've made it clear to myself
i dnt act to please others everyday
I try to make myself happy
Now, that doesn't mean
i dnt wanna see you happy
or that i wont be there when you need me
So if ive hurt you
i apoligize now
& just in case i hurt u in the future
without realizing it
i apoligize now
Because nothing hurts me more
than seeing those i care about hurt
Words help express feelings
so i should put my thoughts as words
its better to leave bad things unsaid,
if its not a good comment keep it to yourself,
No secrets,
Be honest to those around you...
So if ive created
any type of hostility,
please understand
im stuck
i feel confused
& even though
maybe i can't do this by myself
Ive been trying to
Cuz this world
kicks and punches
and the problem with that is
that it happens when you least expect
so it may have created
an Insecure, unstable me
& someone who tries not to feel as much
& someone who feels out of place where she used to fit in
& a person who used to love but now resents.
But if others can do it
Why cant i
why cant i overcome these small things
ive seen people go through worst
& i wouldn't want to be there
I'm scared of being there
Losing out on life
Losing those i love
losing on the chance that could be right infront of me
So i thank everyone
Those who knew when;
to push me foward,
to let me make my own choice,
to just stand by me,
to just let me see what was going on,
to speak to me about life,
to change the topic,
to let me cry
to cry with me
to "slap some sense" into me
to wait for me with open arms
but i'm sorry
for many things as well;
pushing you away,
when you tried to help
not knowing what to say
regreting things
& most of all for not being there for you
But how can i help others
when i dnt know how to help myself?
" as we go on, we remember,
all the times we had together."
True isnt it,
But how many of us regret?
& what do we regret?
Somedays i regret,
Regret not spending time with friends,
Regret making certain choices,
Regret making choices b/c of the wrong reason
Regret being mean,
Regret being too nice,
Regret the loss of friends
Regret not being a better friend
Regret not helping as many people as i could
Regret not being more involved in life
Regret not paying more attention to life
Regret not always saying what i thought
Regret saying too much
& regret hurting people
But most of all i always regret
regreting all of these things
Because they've made me, me
They've made me stonger
& as i keep on living
i will keep on crying
i will keep on smiling
i will keep on laughing
& not only for me
But for those i Love
For those who Love me
These people that i will always
thank god for putting in my life
Because be it from your life or mine
We Always learn from each other
We grow because of each other
It's not always true
that friends are people you use
Even family can be used
But if you really care
You truly care
even after you mess up
no matter who it is that messes up
(You, me, me, you)
no matter who thinks its wrong or right
we should
& hopefully will always
Stick by those who care about us
Stick by those we care about
Because thats what lifes about
Living it to the fullest with those you care about....
No matter how hard it may seem
no matter what we learn on the way
no matter what steps we take to get to where we wanna be
Life is too short to not enjoy it
& it would be too boring without those important people
& without realizing it
we may take everything for granted
so i dnt want to make any one feel unappreciated
Cause i know the feeling
yeah i been there
it doesnt feel great...
I appreciate every single one of you
even if i may not say it often
you have helped me grow,
& i thank you
Thank You
Thank You
because i know i dnt say it enough

Irreplaceable (Feb. 24,2011)

Wonder how irreplaceable each person is?
To someone we all are
Our parents?
Our Friends?
The people we daily interact with

But no one has ever thought
that someone could change you
with the blink of an eye
with the turn of a page
you may not realize it
but its happening right now

They leave you behind
you change
they change
its not some unexplainable science
its more like simple math

We all grow up
We all move on
We all realize basic things & needs
Who will always be there
Who we will always need there
& everything in between

So why do we lie to oursleves
tell people
that no one can replace us
When in reality
they can replace you as easily as you
replaced those before you

Maybe we realize 
somewhere in our lives
that letting go
is part of growning

but somethings are just
Just easier said than done
so we challenge ourselves
to be better
to find better

its how we create success
how we thrive for better
its how we cope 
cope with loss
cope with failure
cope with knowing
nothing will ever be the same

Change is hard as is
so you have a special constant 
your friends
your lovers
your family
but have you ever heard?
Did anyone tell you?
What the only constant in life is?
That the only Constant
Is change?

Thats the only thing you know for sure
that things will change
life will change
friends will change
situations will change
challenges will change
careers will change
morals will change
thoughts will change
style will change
music will change
trends will change
Social networks will change
Everything as we know it will be different

so why are people irreplaceble?
How are people irreplaceable?
if you slowly look at things
look at how life has been
how life has treated you
how you have treated life
Just maybe
You will realize that no one is irreplaceable

With the blink of an eye
with the turn of a page
life can change on you
and you might see the face infront of you again
but will it ever be exactly the same
Exactlly how it is today?
So leave those thoughts behind
And realize the fact thats infront of you

no one is irreplaceable
Nothing is irreplaceable
Just beacause we grow
and we change
we move on
and forget
Today you're needed
tomorrow you may not
today you're alive
tomorrow you may not be

So maybe what we should think about
instead of people being irreplaceable
is of who we may lose
and not knowing
when we will lose them

we can't live afraid of change
but we have to be prepared
If the only constant is change
then we never really know what will happen tomorrow
You may be unique but not Irreplaceable.......

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Dreams & Nightmares

Dreams are Fairy tales
waiting to be fulfilled
Dreams are desires
Not too far from reach
So if you never try to reach
It'll be just a dream

A never ending story
A happy never after
a sad melody
a reminder of what could've been
cause dreams are high
and nightmares are low
so reach for stars every time

Saw something spectacular
something i never imagined
thought we were capable
of making it all reality
so if you never try to reach
it'll be just a dream

A never ending story
A happy never after
A sad melody
A reminder of what could've been
cause dreams are high
and nightmares are low
so reach for stars every time

I tried so hard to think
it'll be reality
i tried to show myself
i could make it happen
but if i dont reach for the stars
i can never make it so high

A never ending story
A happy never after
A sad melody
a reminder of what could've been
cause dreams are high
and nightmares are low
so reach for stars every time

Thought it was meant to be
a reminder of what could've been
just cause you didnt believe
and reached for the stars.

letting go, only choice

Everyone keeps on saying
that I've got to let go
Leave the past behind

everyone keeps on saying
move forward
leave it alone

If its meant to be
It'll happen
If it's meant to be
It'll come
wont be too late
just take a chance
and let it go

But if you let go
will you find someone new
If I let you go
will you reach your dreams
and leave me in the dust
So if i let you go
will you come back to my arms

So scared of looking
cause while i was blind
i found so much in you

so scared of finding
something i never imagined
something i cant let go
cause today its you i want
but im not so sure
how this will work if time goes
will we feel the same

But if i let you go
will you find someone new
If i let you go
will you reach your dreams
and leave me in the dust
so if i let you go
will you come back to my arms

Im so afraid
that letting go is wrong
so insecure
what if we did this all wrong
not sure if i want something else
cause today i want you
not sure if you'll find something else
and settle for a while

But if i let you go
will you be okay
will we overcome
if i let you go
will you reach your dreams
and i become a nightmare
so if i let you go
will i see you again
will we be together again

Scared of letting go
But i think its my only choice

In your arms (Hold me)

Never mind
Never say
Forget everything that happened

When did it
come to this
something that i never imagined

Cause i've been feeling so confused
I've been feeling so alone
Baby  you're the one I need to hold me

Touch me
Need me
make me feel like before
Hold me
Feel me
cause I don't wanna be alone
just stay close to me
holding me like before
so close, together, in your arms

Didn't you once make me feel
like everything
would be okay in your arms

Didn't you look at me
like I was the
only one made for you

So baby tell me why
I feel like i have to forget
so baby tell me why
Now you're making me feel this way

Touch me
Need me
Make me feel like before
Hold me
Feel me
Cause i dont wanna be alone
Just stay close to me
holding me like before
so close, together, in your arms

You held me so close
close to your heart
i thought you were the one
made for me
you held me so close
made me feel so loved
so  why the hell did you let go

Touch me
Need me
Make me feel like before
Hold me
Feel me
Cause I dont wanna be alone
Just stay close to me
holding me like before
So close, together, in your arms
Touch me
Need me
(if you love me)
make me feel like before
Hold me
Feel me
Cause I dont wanna be alone (alone)
Just stay close to me (love me)
Holding me like before (like before)
So close, together, in your arms

Cause if you love me
dont let go
hold me
so close
in your arms