
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Girl to woman

High school graduate
College student
18 & pregnant
single and living at home

day by day
women gain some strength
they do it on their own
because someone 
left them all alone

They balance the world
on top of two shoulders
they carry the weight
of a second life

They live with remorse
ended something tragically
hasty decisions
that hurt for the rest of their lives

Losing what they love
without even noticing
slipped just out of reach
cause they looked away
busy trying to survive

Pushing through everyday
because they're young
and somewhere they didn't expect to be
struggle everyday
because someone
decided they weren't worth their time

on the bright side 
Some of these people that walked out
were really not worth the time
so these girls become women
strong and independent
through struggle
through daily task
learning what they must do to be where they want to be

two sides

time has gone by
how do i tell you now
what do i tell you now
to listen
to let me cry on your shoulder

do i scream at you
scream till you scream
break down and open up
Do i just wait
wait longer and longer
sit patiently till you ready
then listen patiently

Do i show you my feelings
break down these walls just for you
show you myself with out any secrets
reveal the deepest darkest parts of me

Do i wait till you show me your feelings
ready to speak out on it
ready to share feelings
ready to hear me out
ready to say what you need to say

Do i tell you i think
think that i love you
that i will always love you
but what do i know about love
love is just an emotion
is it really that
or am i imagining it
cause if it really is love
i hope you feel the same way
even if you can't say it yet
One day
hopefully soon
You can tell me you love me too

Friday, September 28, 2012


The words escape from my lips
As i wish they would escape your's
But you seem to be stronger
Yet weaker
Want to let it go
But refuse to let people know

It's what you say
When you did something wrong
When you hurt someone's feelings
When you wish you could ave taken a different path
I'm willing to speak those words
Are you willing to

I realize my wrongs
But not only i made mistakes
How can i correct what i did wrong
But how can there be space to move on
When you haven't accepted your wrong
Two wrongs don't make a right
But those words can make a difference

for such high expectations
for such a high guard
for pushing when you needed space
for walking away when you may have needed me around
for trying to let it go, even if just momentarily
for rushing your understanding
for wanting so much from you
for not realizing that if i didn't share my hopes, you wouldn't know them
for thinking you could really read my mind

Sorry for everything
Past, Present and future
Cause i don't know what's next
But for any wrong doing
i am already sorry

I'm Human

My feelings torment me
day after day
i'm human
what else is there to do

I think that i could turn it of
like if i were something different
I'm human
i have to feel

I think about how i got here
what made me take this road
I'm human
i was trying to forget

I tried everything
i thought would work
but it hasnt
so i blame myself
I feel as if i havent tried hard enough
but i keep forgetting
That i'm human
there's only so much i can do

Thursday, September 27, 2012


i hear screams
but i dont know
where are they coming from
I look everywhere
but i cant find the source

of despair
of remorse
of pain
of love
of challenge
of frustration
of life

where can they be from
everyone looks around
but cant seem to get the message

I can't stop it
I can't help any more
no matter what i do
it just becomes worse every day

they're coming from within
within my heart
within my spirit
within my soul
because they're broken
trying to piece everything together
wondering what's going on
wondering why no one can help

Silent screams
only torture me
no one can help
if they don't know the problem
no one can help
if they can't change events
no one can help
if they can't predict what's in others head
no one can help
because its my job to act
no one can help
because you won't let go


Until someone finally hears me
and saves me from myself
cause i can finally admit
I can't do this on my own.

Unfaithful remorse

Feel so Unfaithful
can't smile anymore
its become too hard
Can't cry anymore
refuse to be weak
Can't speak on the subject
Dont flirt with anyone purposely
But my heart doesn't belong here
My heart feels distant
Cold to the touch
As if someone froze it
To melt it when they're ready
Some where 
where no one else could find it
They froze it and hid it
Trying to keep it to themselves
Or do i just refuse to take it out
Holding it over the fire 
but it just won't melt
won't melt for the person
the person i would want it to
But it melts to the person
deep down i want it to
But my remorse is killing me
My conscience is screaming at me
let it go
let it melt
let the pain go away
make it easier
take a breath
let go of what you can't have
And so i'm emotionally unfaithful
Since my heart lies in one place
while my body lies in another
my mind wants to be secure of all feelings
but my heart doesn't mind taking the risk
But i'm too weak
Too full of pride
Trying to be strong
Can't fool myself
But maybe i can fool you
and the rest of the world

Cause in all honesty
I'm mostly being Unfaithful
to myself...