Never shall I suggest
Teen pregnancy
You're not ready for that
Young woman let yourself grow
But never shall I belittle
A young woman
With the courage to accept
She can be the best mother
Scrict enough
But she shouldn't have to
Cut her youth short
Imagine your daughters
Your daughter's daughters
Would you want them
Struggling to raise a child young
But I must respect
Because only a true mother
Could put herself aside
Raise their child
Wish for the best
And her age doesn't matter
A mother is born
The day of her first pregnancy
That warmth of love
The urge to help a child
Only ignorance or selfishness
Can cloud a mother from being true
Only her desire can make her overcome
Because a woman willing
To battle each day
For her future
For her child
No matter the age
Is a mother
And she must be celebrated