January - September
I thought of
what would it be like
where would I be
how would this work
But it didn't have to work
you were no longer here
September - December
I thought of
you in my arms
a warm feeling
a purpose beyond me
But it didn't have to work
You were no longer here
Time went on
I thought of
you and me
him and you
him and me
3-6month dress |
But it didn't have to work
You were no longer here
So days like this
I wake up feeling the pain
since you are no longer here
neither of you
to keep me company
Days like this
I try not to cry
because I know
you would want me to be strong
and there's nothing I could do
to change the past
None of it works
because you are no longer here
But none of it had to work
you were no longer here