
Tuesday, April 19, 2011


do you ever wonder what your gonna do when things don't go your way? Honestly, i don't think any of us do/ Life just happens and we try to keep on going on. We fight our selfs and the rest of the world so we can make it some where. But are we really going to make it?
October 19th i came into this world. My mom probably with a planned future for our family. a beautiful family, that would be strong and who would learn all the right things. It was never imagined that some years later she would have a second child. But it was another blessing. She then never imagined that some years later she would have to do it on her own. But she has until today.
When i was younger i enjoyed singing. But was soon discouraged by someone i believed was my friend. She was just a bad friend, i would have better luck in the future. But some days i feel like i will never have good luck with those i call my best friends. But i was soon encouraged again to sing.
Writing has also been something i enjoyed doing. When  do it for fun or to express myself. Life is life and some days i had to get my feelings on paper. Into a poem or into what i thought was a song. I still discourage myself on writing "songs" but maybe in the future i will get better.
Dancing has turned into my life. Every time i dance i feel like nothing in the world could go wrong. It brings joy to my soul, peace and a feeling of fulfillment.
Some days we have to realize that because every thing doesn't go our way, we have to have more than one plan. Something to go on to when everything seems to be going wrong. And even though it feels like theres no where to go, once your down the only place to go is up.

Hopefully who ever reads this can understand where im coming from. This is just my way of speaking out, of expressing how i feel. so that some day i can look back read and smile because i finally took a breath and started to climb towards my goal. Today i honestly don't know what my next  step will be. But tomorrow, i may have everything a person could ever ask for. Thats all we all want from the day we are born until the day we day. And i won't settle for anything less than i deserve, and no one else should either. :)

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