Hear Ye!
Hear Ye!
I am something you are not
I am something you may not agree with
I believe in this thing call equality
Not just this semblance of it
same laws for all, nonsense
but a day to day
we are the same
rich, poor, black, white, man woman
I believe in spirituality
Not this shove my religion down your throat
my book is the only right book
but a connection
where you and your higher power
understand each other
I am a feminist
believing in a woman's right
to be equal, to be free
I am one who believes
religion is what you make
between you and that higher power
I am pro-choice
because no one has a right to chose
for anybody else
I am a democrat
because i believe that the government
should help the people
I am a republican
because i believe that hard work
brings you money
I am a college student
willing to learn
and understand
and adapt
and think
I am a woman
I am a liberator
I am a worker
I am a slave
I am a mother
I am a sister
I am a cousin
I am a daughter
I am and can be
can be so many things
more than meets the eye
I am
no one can be
what I am
because no one
thinks like I do
So you are who you are
I respect that
But respect who I am
and in the next 10 years.
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