
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Despair of a Desire; Passion

*inspired at 4am*

my silence is broken
by tears of despair
by tears of yearning

the fever to feel
feel that soft caress
feel those lips upon me
feel the passion wrap around
both letting go

a whisper of a kiss
on my neck
from you
send flames
down my spine
kills my silence
turns into a plead
for more and more
passion wrapping around
both letting go

A smile from your lips
as i lean close
closer to your skin
to feel those lips i cant resist
passion wrapping around
both letting go

A change of tone
a slower pace
enjoy moment by moment
calming yearning within
yet starting a flame throughout
passion wrapping around
both letting go

hunger from within
devour one another
peace enters from within
caring touches are required
passion wrapping around
both letting go

a simple gesture
a simple graze of the lips
an instant connection
passion wrapping around
both letting go

breaths held in
patience trying to be kept
passion wrapping around
both letting go

An attraction you couldnt resist
passion wrapping around
both letting go

An understanding between the two
Passion wrapping around
both letting go

silence fills the air
passion wrapping around
both letting go

My silence is broken
passion wrapping around
both letting go

to fall down gently
coming back to this world
the despair of a desire
feeling a simple caress
a simple graze of the lips
wishing it never goes away

Passion wrapping around
both letting go
if you can get that feeling
once more.

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